
The HiQ compiler engines package.


Greedy Scheduler is a new method optimizing simulator performance not previously described.


HiQ Main Engine provides all functionality of the main compiler engine.


DummyBackend used for testing.


FakeSimulator used only for testing.

Module contents

class hiq.projectq.cengines.DummyBackend(cluster_size, num_global)[source]

DummyBackend used for testing. It keeps tracks of

  • number of gates and swaps,

  • number of matrix-vector multiplications, etc.

and prints the final statistics.

__init__(cluster_size, num_global)[source]
  • cluster_size (int) – The maximum number of qubits in fused multi-qubit gate

  • num_global (int) – Number of global qubits


Default implementation of is_available: Ask the next engine whether a command is available, i.e., whether it can be executed by the next engine(s).


cmd (Command) – Command for which to check availability.


True if the command can be executed.


LastEngineException – If is_last_engine is True but is_available is not implemented.


Prints the final values of counters.

class hiq.projectq.cengines.FakeSimulator[source]

FakeSimulator used only for testing.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

class hiq.projectq.cengines.GreedyScheduler(supremacy_circuit=False, num_splits=1000000, cluster_size=4)[source]

Greedy Scheduler is a new method optimizing simulator performance not previously described.

Key concepts:

There are local and global qubits. If gate is acting on local qubits matrix-vector product can be calculated without access to non-local parts. To apply gate to global qubits one need to make them local, i.e. reorder qubits.

Gates are reordered into sequences called stages. A stage contains gates acting on local qubits. Inside the stage gates form subsequences called clusters. Gates from the same cluster are fused into single multi-qubit gate and this gate is simulated by single matrix-vector multiplication. Between stages qubit reordering occur.

Greedy algorithm calculates a permutation of gates and permutation of qubits which lead to minimum number of clusters in a stage and minimum number of stages during quantum circuit simulation.


Shor MPI creates the main engine using Greedy Scheduler.

compilerengines = [GreedyScheduler()]
simulator = SimulatorMPI(gate_fusion=True, num_local_qubits=20)

# make the compiler and use the SimulatorMPI as a backend
eng = HiQMainEngine(simulator, compilerengines)

# In the above line HiQMainEngine can be replaced by MainEngine from
# ProjectQ.


Greedy Scheduler should be the last engine in the list.

__init__(supremacy_circuit=False, num_splits=1000000, cluster_size=4)[source]
  • supremacy_circuit (bool) – If you want to use random circuits, you can specify this parameter as True. Then all last CZ gates will be ignored, because they do not affect the result of final measurement.

  • num_splits (int) – Number of branch splits

  • cluster_size (int) – Maximum number of qubits in fused multi-qubit gate

class hiq.projectq.cengines.HiQMainEngine(backend=None, engine_list=None, verbose=False)[source]

HiQ Main Engine provides all functionality of the main compiler engine. It is an extension of ProjectQ MainEngine adopted for using with SimulatorMPI.

allocate_qureg(n, init=0.0)[source]

Allocate n qubits and return them as a quantum register, which is a list of qubit objects.

  • n (int) – Number of qubits to allocate

  • init (complex) – Assign this value to every amplitude


Qureg of length n, a list of n newly allocated qubits.


Deallocate a qubit (and sends the deallocation command down the pipeline). If the qubit was allocated as a dirty qubit, add DirtyQubitTag() to Deallocate command.


qubit (BasicQubit) – Qubit to deallocate.


ValueError – Qubit already deallocated. Caller likely has a bug.