
xsimd::batch<T, N>

Class batch

xsimd::batch<const T, N>

Class batch_const


template<typename T, std::size_t N>
class batch

XSIMD-like class representing a batch of values.

This class simulates the functionality of the class with the same name present within the XSIMD library. It represents a batch of integer or floating point values.

One key difference between this class and its XSIMD counterpart is that this implementation does not derive from xsimd::simd_base, which allows some hackery to make it compatible even if XSIMD is used alongside it.


This class does not replicate all the functionalities of the batch class in the XSIMD library

Template Parameters
  • T: Underlying arithmetic type

  • N: Number of values within a batch

Public Functions


Default constructor.

batch(T data[N])

Constructor from an array of values.

Initializes a batch to the values pointed by data.

batch(const std::array<T, N> &data)

Constructor from an array of values.

Initializes a batch to the values pointed by data.

batch(T val)

Constructor from scalar values.

Initializes all the values of the batch to val.

auto operator[](std::size_t idx) const

Access element (const)


The element at the specified position

  • idx: Index of an element in the batch

auto &operator[](std::size_t idx)

Access element.


A reference to the element at the specified position

  • idx: Index of an element in the batch

auto &operator=(const batch<const T, N> &rhs)

Assignment operator.

Assignment operator for batches of constant values.


A reference to this.

  • rhs: Batch of constant values

auto &operator=(batch<const T, N> &&rhs)

Move assignment operator.

Move assignment operator for batches of constant values.


A reference to this.

  • rhs: R-value of batch of constant values

template<typename U, typename = std::enable_if_t<details::is_valid_expr<U>::value, U>>
auto &operator=(U &&expr)

Assignment operator for arbitrary expressions.


A reference to this.

  • rhs: RHS expression

auto &operator++()

Pre-increment operator.


A reference to this.

auto operator++(int)

Post-increment operator.


A reference to this.

auto &operator--()

Pre-decrement operator.


A reference to this.

auto operator--(int)

Post-decrement operator.


A reference to this.

auto begin()

Returns iterator to beginning.

auto end()

Returns iterator to end.

auto begin() const

Returns const_iterator to beginning.

auto end() const

Returns const_iterator to end.

auto cbegin() const

Returns const_iterator to beginning.

auto cend() const

Returns const_iterator to end.

auto rbegin()

Return reverse_iterator to reverse beginning.

auto rend()

Return reverse_iterator to reverse end.

auto rbegin() const

Return const_reverse_iterator to reverse beginning.

auto rend() const

Return const_reverse_iterator to reverse end.

auto crbegin() const

Return const_reverse_iterator to reverse beginning.

auto crend() const

Return const_reverse_iterator to reverse end.

template<typename T, std::size_t N>
class batch<const T, N>

Specialisation for batches of constant values.

This specialisation is a deviation to the API provided by XSIMD. Its main objective is to allow our fallback library to refer to eternal memory without actually copying the data into the batch itself. This is an extra optimisation for users that do not have XSIMD installed and will not have any effect on valid XSIMD code that is ported to our library.


A default initilized batch of constant value has an invalid pointer and should not be used as-is.

Public Functions

constexpr auto operator[](std::size_t idx) const

Access element (const)


The element at the specified position

  • idx: Index of an element in the batch

constexpr auto begin() const

Returns const_iterator to beginning.

constexpr auto end() const

Returns const_iterator to end.

constexpr auto cbegin() const

Returns const_iterator to beginning.

constexpr auto cend() const

Returns const_iterator to end.

constexpr auto rbegin() const

Return const_reverse_iterator to reverse beginning.

constexpr auto rend() const

Return const_reverse_iterator to reverse end.

constexpr auto crbegin() const

Return const_reverse_iterator to reverse beginning.

constexpr auto crend() const

Return const_reverse_iterator to reverse end.